Michael and Merete’s Stirling wedding, by Chloe Jane Wedding Photography.

Back in May 2019 I found myself photographing a beautiful Culcreuch Castle wedding. I was a recommended photographer at Culcreuch Castle and was very sad to hear that the castle was to close it’s doors. I very much hope that this may change in the future.
Michael and Merete are a Danish couple, who chose Culcreuch Castle as their perfect destination wedding venue. The couple were joined by friends and family for a wonderful day of celebrations with so much laughter and some tears.
Upon arriving at Culcreuch Castle, my first job was to photograph all the groups of wedding guests, at the request of the bride and groom. I was very grateful for the toastmaster Henrik, as he acted as a wonderful translator where needed!
The thing I did not realise when attending this wedding, is that the whole thing would be in Danish! It certainly added a more challenging twist to the day, but was something that I enjoyed very much!
After the wedding ceremony, we were very lucky to experience a break in the weather, which up until this point in the day had been pretty torrential! The colours after rain are always much more vivid, which always makes the wet weather more worthwhile. Michael and Merete were up for braving soggy toes, so we made the short walk across the gardens to the lake.. a very good reason to have a Culcreuch Castle wedding is that gorgeous lake! It makes such a wonderful spot for some truly romantic couples shots, that you will treasure for a lifetime.
Michael and Merete were a great couple to shoot for and the love between them was so obvious and an absolute pleasure to capture.