A secret Conic Hill proposal photoshoot, by Chloe Jane Wedding Photography.
Josh’s secret proposal was in the pipeline for a while! We messaged to come up with the perfect spot for Josh to propose to Kadi, and settled on a Conic Hill proposal!
During our messages, I joked that I hoped Josh and Kadi weren’t gym goers (the proposal was to take place at the top of Conic Hill), Josh said nothing. Trust me when I say, I have never climbed up Conic Hill so quickly! They do indeed enjoy their time at the gym, I’ll think twice about suggesting this spot again 🙂
It all worked out perfectly, I was in position at the right time, with Kadi just thinking I was hiking with my dog. She had no idea what was going on! Trixie is the perfect sidekick for my undercover adventures!
At the top of the hill we had snow, strong winds and an amazing view! It was rather special and the elements somehow added to the occasion.
On the way down the hill we made the most of the beautiful location, stopping for pictures at various spots.

It was wonderful to finally meet this couple, after months of planning! A beautiful Conic Hill engagement shoot, with a beautiful couple.